Contact Us

Use the form on the right for your specific request.

Or email:
Or phone:    +31-614290289

ALL BLUE B.V. works directly from the factory and also through a dealer network. Contact us, to find out more. 

If you want to be a representative, contact us.

Antony Duyklaan
Rotterdam, ZH, 3051

0031 614290289

Lifting boats that's what we do! 
Durable and user-friendly products for private owner, governments and professionals.
We believe in standard high quality, sustainability and low environmental impact products.


Where we are.


Our production area and warehouse are located in the south of Holland.



Dealer locations

Holland & Belgium; Hooch watersport 
Germany; Berlin area Bootshaus am Werlsee, Romania, Bulgaria, AustriaSwitzerland, Denmark, Spain, Turkey, Russia, UK

Interested in becoming a representative?
Or you want to get in touch with our dealer? 

Contact: Bart Mennen