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ALL BLUE B.V. works directly from the factory and also through a dealer network. Contact us, to find out more. 

If you want to be a representative, contact us.

Antony Duyklaan
Rotterdam, ZH, 3051

0031 614290289

Lifting boats that's what we do! 
Durable and user-friendly products for private owner, governments and professionals.
We believe in standard high quality, sustainability and low environmental impact products.

Davit Boatlift

Boatlift systems, Davit Boatlift, bootlift, bootslift, river boatlift

Davit Boatlift

Davit Boatlift

The Davit Boatlift systems are built out of steel and salt water resistant materials. Pending on the location we mount the Davit on pilings or rigid docks.

The Davit boatlift allows you to turn your boat onto the shore or dock. This way maintenance or smart handling is achieved.

In addition to the correct technical operation we also foresee in the need for a specific designed "bunk-set" that ensures in correct and safe lifting. This spreader bar respects the structural integrity of your boat. 

The Davit Boatlifts - are designed and build to lift ships with a mass of max. 2500kg.


All boatlifts are supplied with a specification sheet and installation manual.